Week 1

Week 1

Welcome to my Practicum Teaching Blog.

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone who's reading. This is my Practicum Teaching Blog and this is the story throughout the teaching period of 14 weeks. I was assigned to do a practicum by my university which is UNIVERSITI POLY-TECH MALAYSIA (UPTM). Starting from 23 August to 29 November 2023. The school that I choose to go is not this school, but I think it's not a bad idea to go with the flow. 

I have also a group of friends that went to the same school. They are Syahman,Nurin,Intan,Qistina and Nadira. So, there is 6 of us doing practicum at the school. We all never really know each other previously except for Syahman, which used to be my classmate from the previous semester.In the first week, we didn't really do much at the school as they were having the merdeka celebration on the second day. 

  This is the picture of 6 us with GPK, Encik Omar. He welcomed us nicely and give some advice. We all are happy and excited to work together with the school. Encik Omar also give us time to tour the school before meeting the students. 

 On the second day of school, Merdeka Day is celebrated. They told me we celebrated it early, for next week is a vacation; I suppose that's why they won't delay anything. When I got to school, it made me very happy that my children were dressing up so well. What I do know is that their parents are putting in a lot of time to dress up the kids, and hopefully they'll appreciate it.
 I must also remain in the classroom with the pupils as "assistant teacher" till playtime since the celebration will take place after recess. Before recess, we practised "perarakan dan gimik.". 3AS is the class I assist. It's a lot of fun since the children were all excited and hyper because they had to dress up according to the theme while their teacher touched up a little and prepared the performance that the students needed to perform later. 

I was assigned on the first week to my first mentor, which I shared with Intan, Madam Khew. She is a very commited person in her work and I was very happy to work with her even for a short period of time. She adviced me a lot and I admired her style of work. it's not a suprise as she also a very experienced teacher and a lot of her advice is very useful to me.


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