Week 7

 Our school is celebrating "Minggu Dakwah" (Dakwah Week) this week, which is a time for spiritual and religious activities. We began the week with a warm and welcome celebration of "Maulidur Rasul" (the Prophet Muhammad's birthday). It was a lovely reminder of the Prophet's teachings and values. The "Minggu Dakwah" activities were both educational and spiritually uplifting. We had a "ceramah" (lecture) about Prophet Muhammad's life and teachings. It's amazing to see how eager the students are to learn about and adopt the Prophet's values of love, peace, and compassion.

In addition, I've been working hard to improve my teaching skills. I've successfully used the set induction and closure in my classes. This has improved the framework of my teaching and, in my opinion, has made for a more engaging learning experience for the students. While it took some time to establish authority in the classroom, I'm pleased to report that I've done an excellent job with the students. This method has taught me the importance of perseverance, consistency, and effective classroom management techniques. It's encouraging to see my progress as a student-teacher, and it serves as a reminder of the growth that comes from overcoming challenges.


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