Week 13

 Week 13 is marked as "Nilam" week, during which students are expected to complete additional readings in order to complete their nilam book and earn points for the overall content. It is also used to assess students who read more than those who don't. I urge the student I worked with in class to complete the assignment that was assigned that week. I gave them writing prompts for their nilam books during my lesson, asking them to write about books they enjoy, whether they are fiction or comic books.

Apart from that, the students were instructed to participate in the "no smoking" poster competition for their second year of physical education, and I helped my class create the best poster so they could win the entire program. Some of the works truly amazed me and exceeded my expectations. In addition, I asked them to ask their elder siblings and parents for assistance. I selected the top student in my class to be the winner from their class.

I was asked to review the English lesson with the students because this is going to be their exam week during week 14, which is the last week of my practicum here.I wanted to tell the student to unwind and focus on the relevant material in preparation for the test. I'm crossing my fingers that they can follow my instructions, and my prayers are with them.That concludes my second and final week at SK Taman Tasik.

                                                    Top 4 student that I find really good with their task.


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